Unsettling scenes unfolded in Chigodora village as the vengeful spirit of Luka Mureyani, a man who passed away 26 years ago, accused his siblings of his murder and subsequent silence of his avenging spirit through the placement of a nail on his grave. The spirit’s allegations targeted Hannah Mureyani and Nicholas Mureyani, claiming they had killed him and utilized his remains for rituals.
The eerie manifestation of the deceased man’s avenging spirit, which appeared through his daughter Sarudzai Mureyani, caused a stir during a recent session at the community court led by Headman Chigodora. The spirit demanded justice while also insisting on the removal of the nail affixed to the grave.
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According to the spirit, “They killed me because they were so jealous of me and my family. Hannah and Nicholas, my blood siblings, why? After killing me, you nailed a nail on my grave to stop me from avenging my death. This is why I have been quiet all along, and I have been struggling to have the truth known. Before we do anything, we need to visit my grave and have the nail removed,” charged the dead man’s spirit.
In support of her late husband, the late Luka’s wife, Sarudzai Mureyani, said her firstborn daughter died shortly after bumping on the nails on the graves.
“My daughter died after she saw these nails on graves in the family graveyard. She called and told me that she had seen some nails on the graves.
“We took her words for granted, but she died just soon after. Spiritualists have been telling us that she died because of her discovery. No one was supposed to see the nails,” said the late Luka’s wife, Sarudzai.
Hannah denied any involvement in her brother’s death.
Instead, she said she was glad that her nephew, Wilson had brought the matter before Headman Chigodora’s community court as it has been raging on for years.
“I am 65 years old and have never appeared before any court. I was shocked when I was summoned to appear before this court.
“Yes, I believe that Sarudzai is not well, and she needs help, but I do not believe that it is my late brother who is manifesting on her. What I want here today is for the whole family to be ordered to consult spiritual healers so that the truth is known. Our hands are clean and did not harm our late brother. We loved our late brother so much,” she said.
Nicholas said they were equally shocked to find out that some nails had been nailed on other family graves.
“We also saw the nails. We also saw a nail on our father’s grave, but we are yet to do anything about it. We discovered this when we wanted to bury our mother in 2021. We are planning to have a memorial service for our late mother. We also wanted to use this gathering to discuss the issue of the nails on the graves,” he said.
However, he failed to finish the statement as his late brother interjected, declaring in no uncertain terms that no memorial service would be held.
“No memorial service will be held until these nails are removed. Today, I will show everyone that my siblings dabble in witchcraft. There are nails and other witchcraft paraphernalia on my grave. I want them to be removed today. You will see all these things today,” charged Luka.
Nicholas, however, doubted that it was indeed his late brother who was manifesting on Sarudzai.
He said he felt that the whole thing was being stage-managed.
However, Nicholas’ brother, Matthew Mureyani, threw him under the bus and said they saw him nailing the nails on the graves.
He said Nicholas nailed the nails when they were putting wreaths on the graves.
“We thought the nails were being used to secure the wreaths so that they would not be blown away by wind. Unfortunately, the wreaths were blown away, but the nails remained intact.
“I also saw my brother nailing the nails on the graves,” said Matthew.
This prompted Headman Chigodora and his court to order Nicholas to remove the nails on the graves.
Nicholas, however, would not have it as he vehemently denied having nailed the nails on the graves.
“I will not remove something that I did not put. I do not know where Matthew is getting what he is saying. What if I remove something that belongs to a wizard and it all backfires on me? I will not do it,” he strongly objected.
Through Sarudzai, Luka also alleged that Hannah and Nicholas were behind many family deaths.
Headman Chigodora ordered the family to consult traditional healers before finalising the matter.
The unsettling accusations and ongoing supernatural drama have left the community deeply divided, with many anxiously awaiting the outcome of the spiritual consultations. As the mystery surrounding Luka Mureyani’s death and the alleged involvement accusations of Murder and Witchcraft: Deceased Man’s Spirit Haunts Family