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How To Access Zimsec Portal

Do you want to know about the ZIMSEC Portal in Zimbabwe? Make sure that you read the whole guide because we have taken into account all the information on the ZIMSEC Results Portal for the best tips for you! ZIMSEC Portal details are available on this page. You don’t have to wait. Keep visiting this page and you’ll get the latest information about Zimbabwe School Examinations Council Portal Updates.

Step-by-Step Guide to Registering and Logging Into the ZIMSEC Portal 

If you’re new to the portal and need help setting up an account and logging in, then you’ve come to the right place. Follow this step-by-step guide to get started with the ZIMSEC Portal.

Firstly, you need to visit the website https://www.zimsec.co.zw and follow guide below!

  1. Enter the six-digit Centre Number.
  2. Enter the four-digit Candidate Number.
  3. Choose a session from the drop-down list, either June or November.
  4. Choose the level from the drop-down list, either O’Level or A’level.
  5. Enter the Year you sat for the exam.
  6. Enter your Candidate Name as it appears on the statement of entry.

If the name typed differs in any way from the one on the statement of entry, the account will not be created.

  1. Enter your date of birth, using the dd/mm/yyyyformat.
  2. Enter a username that you would like to use for logging in to the application.
  3. Enter a password, that comprises a capital letter, digits, and non-alphabetic characters. For example, Zimsec123! would be a valid password.
  4. Reenter the password in the confirm password text box.
  5. Click the register button.
  6. If account registration is successful, the application will redirect to the login screen.
  7. If there are any errors, the application will display the errors on the screen.
  8. The candidate needs to remember their Security Phrase and Username in case they lose their password.

We hope this guide has helped get you started with what you wanted. If you have any questions or need help with anything else, feel free to contact our support team.


ZIMSEC official website –  https://dcmv1.zimsec.co.zw/


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