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Blocked From Seeing Her Daughter For 15 Years

Following her divorce, a Zimbabwean woman in the United Kingdom allegedly denied her daughter access to her father for 15 years.

Coleen Nyandoro’s estrangement from her ex-husband, Munyaradzi Mwanjira, has had a psychological impact on their 17-year-old daughter, Chelsea.

Chelsea’s parents divorced when she was two years old.

Coleen’s use of Chelsea as a weapon in her fight against Munyaradzi has sucked in Loveness Nyandoro, her elderly mother.

Gogo Loveness said that several people, believed to be sent by Munyaradzi, were approaching her in his attempt to gain access to his daughter.

“My life is in danger because of Coleen’s fights with Chelsea’s so-called father,” said Gogo Loveness.

“I refer to him as a so-called father because he never paid lobola.

“I am the one who has been looking after Chelsea from the age of two.

“Now, she is 17 years old, and someone is causing me sleepless nights claiming that she is his daughter.

“Akarerwa nani? Nhasi ave mwana wake ambokurira kupi? Anopenga chete murume uyu.”

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She added: “He has been sending people, with some claiming to be from higher offices, and some saying they were police officers.

“He engaged social welfare workers accusing me of abusing the child and locking her in the house.

“There is nothing like that. How can I abuse her when I have looked after her for all these years?

“Chelsea is safe, sound and attending school in the UK.

“She was never deported from the UK like what he is telling people.

“Ndakutotya kuvhurira vanhu gedhe nekuti vanhu vatumwa pano vawandisa,” said Gogo Loveness.

She said she has clashed with cops stationed at Waterfalls Police Station over the matter.

However, Munyaradzi insisted that Chelsea was forced to leave the UK and is being kept locked up by Gogo Loveness.

“Coleen has been denying me access to my child following our separation,” said Munyaradzi.

“She got married to another man based in the UK and he is the one who assisted her in ensuring that I do not take my child through legal means.

“My daughter was forced to stay with Gogo Loveness, and she is being abused and denied her rights to the love of both parents.

“There is no serious abuse of children’s rights more than what they are doing to my daughter,” said Munyaradzi.

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