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Chiwenga Mourns Zimbabwean Shot In USA

Acting President Dr Constantino Chiwenga has consoled the family of the late Brigadier-General Fakazi Mleya following the death of his son, Mr Khupo Mleya, who was gunned down by yet to be identified assailants in the United States on Friday.

The Acting President worked with the late national hero Brigadier-General Mleya, who passed away in 2007, and yesterday joined mourners to console the Mleya family following the unfortunate shooting in Lincoln in Nebraska that claimed the life of the 38-year-old.

Mr Khupo Mleya is survived by a wife and a 12-year-old daughter.

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The motive of the shooting is still unknown, but reports from the US say Lincoln Police have launched a manhunt for the gunman.

“I was saddened when I received the message of his death from (ZANU PF) Vice President Mohadi. He was a child whom I knew very well when he was growing up.

“It is barely two months since we last talked of him. I asked Vice President Mohadi and he told me they are out of the country and I told him that they should come back home.

“Now, we hear of this very sad incident. To the family, I want you to be strong in this difficult time and what we now need is to ensure his remains are brought back home for a decent burial,” said Chiwenga.

The Mleya family spokesperson, Mr Gino Malapela, said: “Khupo was on his way back from work going home in the early hours of the morning.

“Unfortunately, his car was shot at several times, and then got involved in an accident.

“The first responders who visited the scene tried to revive him, but he had already passed away.” Sunday Mail


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