Snake Bites Form 6 Student To Death In Class
A form six (6) student at Rushinga High died on Thursday evening after she was bitten by a snake in the classroom while coming from sports.
Rushinga legislator Tendai Nyabani confirmed the tragedy to Byo24. Nyabani is quoted as saying:
“I can confirm a sudden death in Rushinga where a form six girl Melody Chiputura (17) was bitten by a snake yesterday afternoon after coming from sports.
“We are still shocked as to where this snake came from because students had used the classroom twice and as Rushinga constituency we are saddened by this incident.”
Nyabani further said the classroom where the girl was bitten, had been used by students for two days.
Read Also: Snake Feeder, Handler Wanted: Good Pay
Melody was the daughter of Joseph Chiputura a ZANU PF councillor in Rushinga.
This will drive the snakes to leave their den and seek dry, safe shelter. So they come out to people’s abodes, sheds, barns, debris, and abandoned buildings seeking a new home.
It is therefore important to:
i). Be mindful when clearing and cleaning debris. Wear gloves that can protect you against snake bites.
ii). Wear snake-protective booths that are at least 10 feet high.
iii). Avoid stepping on a log, unless you are seeing the other side.
iv). Keep your lawn areas short.
If you see a snake approaching, do not fuss; move aside and allow it to proceed.