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A MAN from Cement Siding in Bulawayo got his life turned upside down after four men who were travelling in a Toyota Wish turned on him in a bushy area and allegedly ƨǝxually assaulted him.

The alleged s0d0my victim is 30 years old and cannot be named for ethical reasons.

A source close to the incident said the victim boarded a Toyota Wish at the corner of Harare Road and Simon Parirenyatwa Street intending to go to Cement Siding. He did not have an inkling that a dark cloud would befall him along the way.

“When he got into the car he noticed that the tinted window car had four male occupants and he sat at the back seat. The driver drove off along the road heading to Cement Siding,” a source said.

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The source added: “When they reached Umguza River the driver turned left and parked the car near a bushy area before ordering the victim to disembark from the car. They walked him into the bush where they allegedly took turns to s0d0mise him and left him lying on the ground.”

After about 30 minutes the victim gathered courage and went to report the incident at Cement Siding Police Base.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the incident.

“We are appealing for information that may lead to the arrest of the four suspects who are wanted for allegedly ƨǝxually attacking a 30-year-old man. Anyone with information may contact any nearest police station or call us on 029-60358.”

— BMetro

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