Local News

Debt Ridden Man Leaves Suicide Note

RUNGANO Duvara (52) of Nkulumane suburb apparently thought the only way to escape the mounting pressure of the debt he was facing was to commit suicide.

While Duvara was at his home with his relative Locadia Nkiwane (31) he told her that he was not feeling well and he left to a nearby bush to answer nature’s call.

Locadia and the Duvara entire family members never knew that would be the last time to see him. It is understood Duvara had already scribbled a suicide note and shoved it into his trousers’ pocket. After relieving himself he decided to take away his life by hanging himself from a tree using a wire.

Locadia got worried after she realised that Duvara had gone for too long in the bush and upon checking on him she got the shock of her life when she found him hanging from a tree.

She informed neighbours before she reported the suicide to the police. Locadia said the deceased was survived by his wife and two children aged 21 and 22.

She said they were looking up to him as he was a caring and responsible father.
“As a family we are devastated and our hearts bleed because he had no prior illness. Sadly he left a suicide note stating that he had to commit suicide because he was facing a huge debt and was not able to raise money to pay it up,” she said.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the incident and advised community members to engage third parties whenever they are faced with challenges.

“We would like to urge community members to engage relatives, friends or even elders on how best to get help than to commit suicide,” he said.

B Metro

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