Local News

Mob beats up gun-wielding robbers unconscious

ALERT members of the public in Beitbridge yesterday apprehended two alleged armed robbers who had lured an illegal money changer to a secluded place.

Initially, there were three suspects, but one escaped. The crowd beat the duo until they fell unconscious.

The mob that beat the suspected robbers. Picture credit: Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services
The mob that beat the suspected robbers. Picture credit: Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services

According to the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Mr Nick Mangwana, the trio also tried to hijack the victim’s car.

“Yesterday three alleged armed robbers lured an illicit currency dealer to a secluded place through a phone call pretending to be genuine clients. They tried to hijack his car and he fought them, had tyre burst. One escaped and two were apprehended by members of the public,” wrote Mr Mangwana on his Twitter timeline.

A firearm that was retrieved from the duo. Picture credit: Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services
A firearm was retrieved from the duo. Picture credit: Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services

In other news;

CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION (CCTV) cameras mounted outside a wholesale in Rusape assisted in solving a murder case by capturing the suspected killers feigning a hit-and-run accident by throwing a dead body from a moving truck onto the tarmac.

Two suspects who allegedly murdered Mr Maarcus Runduke of Magamba suburb in cold blood were caught on CCTV video throwing his body from a red truck, making it easy for police to apprehend them, Manicaland Post reports.

The police investigation into the heinous murder of Mr Runduke, whose body was discovered dumped at Global Brothers Wholesalers opposite the main bus terminal, took a new turn last week on Friday after CCTV footage was handed over to them. Read More

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