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Archbishop Curses Madzibaba Over Mine Shares

AN audio video clip, featuring Johanne the Fifth of Africa Church Archbishop, Andy Makururu, attacking his former church mate, has gone viral.

The fallout started when the former church chairman, Madzibaba Danniel Mutori, threatened to expose Makururu’s secrets. The church leader indicated he was ready to curse Mutori.

“I am now going to reverse all the prayers, and blessings; you are going to turn back into a pedestrian,” he said.

“You are going to look for me since I have reversed all my prayers for you.”

Makururu accused Mutori of being ungrateful. “You came to me with your papers looking for prayers, you used me asking me to bless you when you started your mine.

“I did the prayers thinking I was helping my son only for you to lift a spear and point it at me the following day.

“However, I am not turning this same spear towards you because you are confused. I need my shares that you promised me.”

Contacted for comment, Mutori said Makururu was angered by his decision to leave the church.

“The reason why I am being fought by Makururu of Johanne the Fifth of Africa Church is because I left his church.

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“He is jealous of my mining project, which I invested in alone. I started this project in 2018 and I am 42 years old now.

“I joined his church in Penhalonga before I relocated to Harare where I left the church at their Chadcombe base.

“I am not the only one being fought by him, they are many of us being fought for leaving the church.”

Mutori said he sensed he was unwanted during a recent church gathering in Masvingo.

“It started in Masvingo at his church conference where only my name was being talked about rather than the word of God.

“Again, our company is in line with the statutory mining protocols, because all the gold from all these carbon rooms goes straight to Fidelity.

“ZIMRA is aware of me, I have returns and accounts where I deposit this gold.

“Archbishop Makururu started by sending a terrifying message in which said he wanted to sink me.

“I forwarded that message to one of the church elders called Madzibaba Androge, who then forwarded the message back to Archbishop Andy who further threatened me.”

Mutori said that he never entered into an agreement with Makururu.

“I never promised him anything, I just thought he was just praying for me like anyone else.

“Following the fallout, an intruder entered our house and stole my phone, some of the exhibits, and money from my wife’s bag, whilst we were asleep.

“I reported this to Penhalonga Police under reference number RRB5318259.”

Mutori said he was now doubting Makururu’s source of power.

“I used to believe in his prayers but I now doubt him after he demanded shares from the mine.

“I now doubt him as a genuine Archbishop because he is now swearing, saying he is of ‘Soko’ totem, which shows he has other beliefs.

“I left his church because of strange things happening at the church.

“For instance, Makururu started cutting people’s skins using razor blades, known as kutema nyora, claiming to be injecting blessings into their blood systems. H Metro

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