
Mnangagwa retains presidency, CCC disputes results

Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) Chairperson Priscilla Chigumba announced Emmerson Mnangagwa as the duly elected President of Zimbabwe on Saturday 26 August.

Emmerson Mnangagwa polled 52.6% of the total number of votes with his close competitor and Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) presidential candidate Nelson Chamisa polling 44% of the total number of votes, according to the results announced by Chigumba on Saturday

Zanu PF Presidential candidate Emmerson Mnangagwa received 2 350 711 votes against Nelson Chamisa’s 1 967 343.

“Mnangagwa Emmerson Dambudzo of ZANU-PF party is declared duly elected president of the Republic of Zimbabwe,” ZEC chairwoman Justice Chigumba told journalists.

Zimbabweans went to the ballot box to elect the president and legislature on Wednesday and Thursday in polling marred by delays that sparked opposition accusations of rigging and voter suppression.

The presidential results were welcomed by the celebratory cheers of a few ruling party supporters at the news conference venue.

But Promise Mkwananzi, a spokesman for Chamisa’s Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) said the party did not sign the final tally, which he described as “false”.

“We cannot accept the results,” he told AFP, adding the party would soon announce its next move.

The vote was being watched across southern Africa as a test of support for Mnangagwa’s ZANU-PF, whose 43-year rule has been battered by a moribund economy and charges of authoritarianism.

Foreign poll monitors said on Friday that the elections had failed to conform to regional and international standards.

SADC view on Zim elections

According to SADC, the AU, and other international observers, the 2023 Zimbabwe elections did not meet the requirements set by the Zimbabwe Constitution, regional and international democratic election standards.

SADC And Other Regional Observers Speak On Zimbabwe’s 2023 Elections: Here Is What They Said
The observers highlighted several concerns, including massive irregularities and breaches of the constitution by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).

The observers noted that the delimitation process was flawed, the voters’ roll was not transparent, and the fee for accessing the voters’ roll was restrictive to candidates.

Additionally, the observers raised concerns about the disruption of opposition rallies, biased state media coverage, and alleged voter intimidation.

The observers acknowledged that the electoral environment remained calm and peaceful, but they concluded that certain aspects of the elections fell short of the constitutional requirements, the Electoral Act, and the principles governing democratic elections.

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