
CCC stole body from mortuary to escalate abduction saga: Charamba

The CCC activist, Bishop Tapfumaneyi Masaya, abduction/murder saga has taken a dramatic twist with Deputy Chief Secretary-Presidential Communications in the Office of the President, George Charamba claiming that the party stole a body from the mortuary and dumped it to inflame the public.

Taking to X, while using his ghost account @dhonzamusoro007, Charamba claims that they will get to the bottom of this.

MaYERO, MUKADA KUSHANDISA ZVITUNHA MUPOLITICS, TINOSANGANA KUBWIRO NEKUMAKUVA. MUSAZOTI MAVARA AZARE VHU! We will fight you on any terrain of your choosing. Without blinking. Makajaidzwa!!! We cannot have politics of cannibalising zvitunha to make up for own blatant political failures. Never!!!!!

Read Also: Masaya was ‘abducted’ by a three-vehicle convoy: Lawyers

Charamba claims that CCC is doing all this to derail Scott Sakupwanya’s campaign and has vowed to expose the plot.

Meanwhile, Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said a body was found at the intersection of Arcturus and Lobho Road in the Cleveland area in Harare. He said:

The Zimbabwe Republic Police is conducting investigations in connection with the location of a body at the intersection of Arcturus and Lobho Road, Cleveland area, Harare on 12th November 2023.

The identity of the victim is yet to be established.

Asst Comm said more details will be released in due course.

CCC Harare Ward 16 councillor Denford Ngadziore said the unidentified body referred to by the police is of Masaya. He posted on X:

They killed our Champion who was abducted in Mabvuku. MHSRP

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