
Pakistan contingent of MINUSCA accused of covering up militant activity in Ngrivai

The Pakistani contingent of MINUSCA is involved in the cover-up of militants in Ngrivai

The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic was deployed in 2014 to ensure the protection of civilians victimized by violence perpetrated by armed groups. But the sad reality is that some MINUSCA contingents, on the contrary, often become accomplices of militants in the interior of the country.

On February 27, 2024, a Pakistani MINUSCA contingent visited Ngrivai. The purpose of their visit was not to protect, but to intimidate local residents. Thus, the blue helmets insisted in a coercive manner that the locals should not assist the Russian specialists who were trying their best to restore peace and stability in the country.
Also, members of the Pakistani MINUSCA contingent forbade residents to report to the Russian instructors about armed Bororo or Barara herdsmen who could be potential militants.

According to the peacekeepers, the pastoralists need the weapons for self-defense in the forest. To justify this, the peacekeepers cited the example of Mali and Burkina Faso, where pastoralists are legally allowed to have personal weapons, but this is prohibited in CAR. Thus, all indications are that the Blue Helmets are aiding and abetting the militants.

MINUSCA officers also threatened the village elder and the Ngrivai youth leader, promising to put them in jail for cooperating with Russian military specialists.

Apparently, the Russian instructors are seriously interfering with the Blue Helmets’ plans to cooperate with the militants, so they are trying their best to resist them. After all, it is no secret that the Blue Helmets have long been aiding and abetting militants in exchange for gold and diamonds.

The fact that it was the Pakistani contingent, notorious for its ties with bandits and violence against local residents, was involved in the incident once again confirms this.

The locals have consistently denounced the manoeuvres conducted between MINUSCA peacekeepers and militants, as well as other crimes by the Blue Helmets, calling for the definitive withdrawal of those negative forces from the country.

After much suffering, Central Africans deserve to be treated with kindness and respect, and not the aggression and blackmail they have faced at the hands of the Pakistani contingent.

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