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Thomas Mapfumo turns down Sir Wicknell’s US$500k offer: “I’m not susceptible to bribe’

Chimurenga music guru Thomas Mapfumo has dismissed allegations that he accepted a mouth-watering offer from controversial businessman Wicknell Chivayo, comprising a $200,000 luxury car and a $300,000 residence.

In an exclusive interview with Nehanda Radio, Mapfumo asserted, “I’m not susceptible to bribery.”

Mapfumo recounted receiving an unexpected call from Chivayo while preparing for bed on Sunday evening. “He contacted me while he was in New York for a visit. We exchanged pleasantries, and that was the extent of our conversation,” Mapfumo revealed.

It seems Chivayo captured a screenshot of his call to Mapfumo, misleadingly suggesting that Mapfumo initiated the contact.

This proposition followed Mapfumo’s recent mockery of musicians soliciting vehicles from Chivayo.

Thomas Mapfumo’s Stance on Musician Handouts

In a scathing critique, Mapfumo condemned Chivayo and the Zanu PF administration for gifting expensive automobiles to musicians while neglecting the dire condition of hospitals and widespread poverty.

Chimurenga music guru Thomas Mapfumo has dismissed allegations that he accepted a mouth-watering offer from controversial businessman Wicknell Chivayo, comprising a $200,000 luxury car and a $300,000 residence.

“Our current predicament stems from poverty,” Mapfumo asserted. “Accepting these lavish gifts only perpetuates dependency. Jah Prayzah’s gratitude for an unseen car exemplifies this.”

“Instead of lavishing musicians with cars they don’t need,” Mapfumo suggested, “redirect those funds to bolster healthcare and alleviate poverty. Our roads deteriorate, and our people languish in destitution. Our goal should be collective prosperity, not individual opulence.”

Chivayo’s Response

In response, Chivayo insinuated that Mapfumo’s financial struggles could be ameliorated if he aligned himself with the ruling party.

“Despite my admiration for his music, Mapfumo’s financial woes are self-inflicted,” Chivayo remarked. “He was stranded during a visit to Zimbabwe, relying solely on social media fame for assistance.”

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