
Biti follows Chamisa: Goes on sabbatical

FORMER Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) co-vice-president Tendai Biti, has decided to take a break from politics by dumping the main opposition political party as he goes on a soul-searching break.

In an interview on HSTV’s #FreeTalk show, Biti, who was supposed to take over as CCC president from the current leader Welshman Ncube on a rotational basis, said he had withdrawn from politics to focus on other spaces that can help to remove the ruling Zanu PF party from power.

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The outspoken former legislator disowned the statement made by self-imposed CCC spokesperson Jacob Mafume that there had held a meeting which agreed to make him, Ncube and Lynette Kairenyi Kore rotational leaders of the party following the resignation of Nelson Chamisa from the CCC.

The opposition CCC was left leaderless after Chamisa ditched the party ravaged by self-imposed interim secretary-general, Sengezo Tshabangu, who recalled several legislators from Parliament after last year’s general elections.

“Everyone has a constitutional right of controlling his own affairs, at the present moment and time as Tendai Biti, I have taken a time out in certain spaces and political spaces,” he said.

“I am not sure of the meeting you are referring to, I am not aware of the meeting that made me a rotational president.

Following the announcement that Ncube, Biti and Kairenyi Kore, had taken over the CCC, there was a public backlash, with the three being labelled sellouts that had betrayed the struggle and jumped in bed with Zanu PF, an allegation Biti has denied.

“As an individual, I occupy spaces, I am a lawyer, I am doing what I have been doing in the courts, with my strategic litigation.

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