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Mai Titi’s daughter Fifi in trouble as ex-boyfriend wants her arrested

Mai Titi’s daughter, Felicia Muzeya, also known as Fifi, is in serious trouble after her ex-boyfriend has written to Commissioner Godwin Matanga asking the police boss to clear his name and arrest her instead.

Amir Mhaka, aged 20, says his arrest was malicious and denies the nυdes were ever sent to him by the 19-year-old daughter to the socialite.

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In correspondence to Matanga, Mhaka’s lawyer Admire Rubaya said a lot of things have been unearthed since his arrest which requires police further investigation.

He said investigations should start with his accuser for admitting to the crime of recording, keeping and distributing the intimate images.

Mhaka further denied receiving the nυde images or distributing them and has submitted his own cell phone to the police for cyber examination in a bid to prove his innocence.

He argues that Fifi’s cell phone will answer all the contentious questions including who she really sent the images to.

It is only after her mobile is examined that it can be established that she indeed sent the images to Mhaka or not, the lawyer argued.

“He (Mhaka) further asserts that instead of just examining his mobile handset only, the Police Cyber experts should also examine the complainant’s mobile phone to ascertain if there is any trace of evidence that she once sent those alleged leaked photos to the accused person.

“Our client is of the firm view that there are people who might have accessed the complainant’s nυde pictures and not him.”

Mhaka also told Matanga that several bloggers online have claimed that the teenage girl has an OnlyFans account, a platform through which intimate content is on a pay per view basis.

This, Rubaya said, requires further investigations to establish if the claims are true or not.

“There is also a possibility of the complainant herself publishing her own nυde pictures for some other reasons which might include for popularity purposes.

“These are probable possibilities that should be investigated.

“It has also come to our client’s attention that there are bloggers who have claimed that the complainant had subscribed to a pornographic site known as Onlyfans wherein alleged content creators upload their content to the site and their fans follow them for a fee.

“lf it is true that she was one of the content creators on that pornographic site there is a real possibility that that’s where her nυde pictures might have been extracted by some of her followers resulting in the leakage.

“We humbly implore and entrust you to consider this possibility in your investigations.”

According to the letter, when Mhaka was arrested, Mai Titi accused one Patricia Jeke or Patricia Jack of leaking her daughter’s pictures.

Rubaya argued that this creates doubt and opens room for more investigation as it has been shown that even the complainants are not sure who exactly leaked the images.

“The complainant’s mother has a statement which was recorded by the police wherein she is alleging that the same nυde pictures in question were broadcasted/distributed by one Patricia Jeke alias Patricia Jack.

“The obvious question that arises therefore is who is responsible for the leak of those images?

“From a neutral person’s perspective, it would obviously appear that the complainant and her mother may be casting lots as to who to blame for those nυde pictures, despite seemingly clear circumstances that the complainant herself may only have herself to blame for taking those pornographic pictures in the first place.

“ln the circumstances, one wonders who is to be believed between Felistas Murata (Mai Titil) or Felisha Muzeya (fifi) because their versions are materially different as to who allegedly distributed the nυdes in issue,” the letter reads.

On his initial appearance, Mhaka urged the police to arrest his ex-girlfriend for capturing and keeping nυde pictures in her mobile phone.

He is due to appear in court for his routine remand this week.

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