
China maintains ownership of the newly constructed Zimbabwean parliament building.

The new Parliament Building in Mount Hampden is still owned by China, according to National Assembly Speaker Jacob Mudenda.


Mudenda’s clarification comes as President Mnangagwa prepares to address the SONA and launch the 5th Session of the 9th Parliament of Zimbabwe from the new edifice.


New Parliament still owned by China, we only asked to use it for SONA, Budget
New Parliament still owned by China, we only asked to use it for SONA, Budget
Mudenda told lawmakers they had to ask for special permission to use the property for SONA and budget presentation because they couldn’t secure space at Rainbow Towers Hotel’s Harare International Conference Centre (HICC).

Job Sikhala has filed a motion for the recusal of the magistrate, claiming that he “cannot receive a fair trial.”

must also notify the House that the new Parliament building has not been turned over to the Zimbabwean government. 
The Chinese agreed to host the Official Opening of the Fifth Session of the 9th Parliament and State of the Nation Address (SONA) at the new Building.


After the handover, members will be given familiarization tour, he said.


Did the government perform new Parliament rituals?


Norton MP Temba Mliswa asked if traditional leaders had been hired to conduct ceremonies before the facility is used. Mudenda said that will happen when the building is handed over.


You’re late, Mliswa. 
Already discussed. 
Temporary, we said. 
We couldn’t get into the HICC, which isn’t open yet.


Before digging began, the local chief performed chivanhu. 
guess we’ll do chivanhu when the building is formally turned over.


Members of Parliament will be given tour of the entire building, per my announcement. 
He answered, “That was announced before you came.”


We solely used China’s New Parliament for SONA and Budget.

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