
Job Sikhala has filed a motion for the recusal of the magistrate, claiming that he “cannot receive a fair trial.”

Incarcerated opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Vice Chairman and MP Job Sikhala has submitted a plea asking presiding magistrate Tafadzwa Miti to recuse herself from the case.

Sikhala, who is jointly charged with incitement to commit public violence along with fellow MP Godfrey Sithole and 14 residents of Nyatsime, accuses Miti of acting biasedly while presiding over the matter. Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole are both accused of inciting residents of Nyatsime to commit acts of violence.

On Wednesday, the lawmaker from Zengeza West appeared before Miti, who decided against granting him bail.

His attorney, Jeremiah Bamu, stated that the most recent bail finding against his client was the impetus for the decision to ask the magistrate to recuse himself from the case.

“We are aware that this subject is going to be tried at some point in the near future. However, we have been given orders to request that the magistrate recuse themselves from this matter,” Bamu stated.
The defense attorney explained to the judge that “this is done respectfully because to the worry that the accused may not receive a fair trial if proceedings were to continue before you.”


As a result, Sikhala is planning to hand in a written application on Monday, while the State has indicated that it would provide a response on November 30 and the defense will provide a similar response on December 1.

Miti has decided to postpone the judgement on the subject until December 7th.

Sikhala has been incarcerated in Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison for more than 164 days at this point. His coworkers have all been released after posting bail.

On June 14th, all of them were taken into custody on suspicion of inciting others to engage in acts of public violence in order to revenge the death of CCC activist Moreblessing Ali.

In June of this year, a someone named Pius Jamba, who is suspected of being a member of Zanu-PF, brutally murdered Ali. Her skeletal remains were found in bits, but her skull was not among them.

The relatives of the dead person is currently searching for resolution.

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