Local News

Chiwenga Kidnaps Couple Who Sold Him Fake Gold, Confisticates 4 Cars

A gold buyer who punished a Chinhoyi couple for selling him fake gold worth $24,000 will spend Christmas behind bars after being arrested for taking the law into his own hands in retaliation.

Donald Chiwenga (45) is accused of kidnapping Eric Marangarire and Mercy Maphosa after discovering they had sold him 480 grams of fake gold.

According to the court, he also took the couple’s four vehicles as retaliation for what they had done to him.

Chiwenga appeared before Harare Magistrate Dennis Mangosi and was remanded in custody until January 21 of next year.

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According to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), Chiwenga allegedly paid Marangarire and Maphosa $24,000 for 480 grams of fake gold.

According to testimony given in court, he discovered it was fake while smelting it in Kwekwe.

Chiwenga was incensed by this and decided to exact revenge by taking the law into his own hands.

He allegedly held the couple captive and made them sign sales contracts for their four vehicles in the presence of a lawyer.

Mercedes Benz, Honda Fit, Toyota Hilux, and Toyota Corolla are among the vehicles.

Police on Tuesday reacted swiftly in Harare leading to the arrest of Walter Muzambawa (42) in connection with a case of armed robbery which occurred at a house along JM Nkomo Road.

The suspect and his three accomplices who are still at large attacked five family members and stole eight cellphones, four laptops and US$268.00. Investigations are in progress.

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