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Woman Arrested For Marrying Two Men

A CHITUNGWIZA woman was convicted of marrying two men (bigamy) and perjury yesterday and sentenced to community service.

Thelma Guvakumwe appeared before Harare magistrate Noticia Shenje, who sentenced her to six months in prison for bigamy.

Three months, however, were suspended in exchange for good behaviour.

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The remaining three months were spent commuting to Warren Park Primary School for 105 hours of unpaid work.

Guvakumwe was sentenced to two months in prison for perjury, with the option of paying a $10,000 fine by December 31.

The State established Guvakumwe’s marriage to Cloudio Jume, 53, H Metro reports.

According to the State, Guvakumwe intentionally married Elton Sanyamahwe on an unknown date, knowing that her marriage to Jume was still valid.

While still married to Jume, she was impregnated by Sanyamahwe and gave birth to a daughter.

According to the State, on August 31, she knowingly filed a false sworn affidavit at the Harare Magistrates’ Court for the purpose of judicial proceedings.

In her sworn affidavit, she lied under oath about Jume being her ex-husband.

Meanwhile, Jume has a case pending at the High Court in which he is suing Sanyamahwe for US$250 000 for adultery.

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