Local News

Elephant Kills Woman, Hyenas Devour Body

An unknown woman is believed to have been attacked and killed by an elephant before her body was devoured by hyenas on Wednesday night at the 321km peg along the Harare–Chirundu Road.
The woman’s remains were recovered yesterday at Nyakasanga Bridge and police have since launched investigations into the case.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the incident.

“The ZRP is appealing for information which may assist in the identification of a female adult who is suspected to have been killed by an Elephant before her body was devoured by hyenas on December 7, 2022 at Nyakasanga Bridge at the 321 km peg along Harare –Chirundu Road.

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“The victim’s body parts were found scattered at the scene. Anyone with information to report at any nearest Police station.”

Meanwhile, police in Rusape are investigating a case of murder which occurred on Tuesday at Nhedere crossing point along Nyagadzi River.

The victim, Ringisai Chatsakarira allegedly fell in Nyagadzi River after being hit with an unknown object by the suspect, Phibion Masarirevhu (40).

The victim had been involved in a quarrel with the suspect at a funeral.

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