Tlof Tlof At The Graves Ends In Tears
THEY WANTED to be spontaneous and spice up their relationship so after seeing the tlof tlof trend on Twitter earlier this year, the couple thought it would be a good idea to poke at the graveyard.
But what seemed like harmless fun has now turned into a nightmare for the man as his 4-5 no longer works
And to add salt to the wound, his girlfriend left him as he can longer satisfy her.
“It was really hypocritical of her to leave me, considering that I did this with her.
“I’m actually still mad, but it’s fine.
“I just need to get help,” he said.
The 37-year-old from Kwaggafontein in Mpumalanga said he and his ex-girlfriend were excited to try this.
“We did it in one of the toilets at a graveyard in July and it was nice.
“I think it was the excitement and being hor_ny, which made it seem different.
“It lasted less than five minutes, but it was the best s_ex I’ve ever had.
“She was also happy. Even though it sounds like we were being disrespectful to the family of the deceased at the funeral, we really meant no harm,” he said.
But this was the last time the man’s 4-5 worked when he tries to have tlof tlof.
At first, he thought it was a little setback and went to the doctor, where he was given medication and told to eat certain food to help his erection.
“I thought this would help, but it didn’t help at all.
“I went to a sangoma who told me my late mom was angry and that we needed to do a small ceremony to ask for forgiveness.
“My brother helped me with that ceremony and I was told I’d be okay after a week,” he said.
But this also didn’t work.
“This has affected my confidence.
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“I haven’t been in a relationship since that woman dumped me.
“I don’t know what to do,” he said.
The man’s brother (41) said he was disgusted by his little brother’s behaviour.
“I don’t know what was going on in his head and I hope he never does such a stupid thing again.
“What is he teaching his son?” said the angry brother.
He said even though he’s angry, he’ll do whatever he could to help him.
Sangoma Joseph Dungamanzi said not only did the man make his late mum angry, but the couple also infuriated some spirits from that graveyard.
“This irritated different people, so a ceremony just for the mum wasn’t going to work,” said Dungamanzi.
He emphasised that the man will have to be cleansed and do a certain ritual to get rid of the spirits and all will be well.-Daily Sun