
Chamisa’s driver now selling firewood because he hasn’t received salary in months

Nelson Chamisa’s driver, Clifford Sanyika is wallowing in poverty as the party has failed to give him his salary for months.

A source who spoke to Harare Post said that Sanyika was now reeling in debt as he has gone for months without receiving his salary.

According to the source, Sanyika has since stopped from reporting for duty as he was now in the business of selling firewood in his rural home of Bindura so that he can settle hospital debts he accrued when his child was hospitalized.

The source said that Chamisa was informed of Sanyika’s predicament and instead he insisted that he must report for duty.

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The same source revealed that CCC Chief of Staff, Trust Mamombe felt pity for Sanyika and mobilized for US$200.00 that he later gave Sanyika at his rural home. However, Sanyika was not pleased with that amount and dismissed it as too little to cover his debts. He vowed not to report for duty as he was tired of working for nothing.

The source said that Mamombe castigated Chamisa`s secretary, Edith Munyaka, deputy national spokesperson Ostallos Siziba, organizing secretary Amos Chibaya and CCC current secretary to the organizing department, Farai Chinodya of misleading Chamisa and centralizing resources amongst themselves at the expense of the party.

Political commentator, Howard Manoke said that Chamisa was egocentric as he didn’t care about the welfare of his people. Manoke said that it was ironic that Chamisa was having a lavish lifestyle while people close to him were walloping in poverty.

Manoke said Chamisa was renting a US$2000 per month office at the time his driver was failing to make ends meet. Manoke added that at one point, CCC interim head of security, Edward Gudhe was evicted from his lodgings after he failed to pay rentals.

Meanwhile, it was not only Sanyika who was failing to make ends meet as other CCC members such as former Epworth legislator, Ethridge Kureva was reportedly failing to pay debts he accrued during the March 2022 by elections.


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