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Two Zimbabwean Boys Fight Off Lioness With Bare Hands

In surprising news, two courageous boys from Zimbabwe defended the cattle they were herding by fending off an approaching lioness with their bare hands.

The two teens, Khulekani Ndlovu (16) and Njabulo Ncube (17), survived their life-threatening encounter with the lioness with only minor injuries.

The female lion and its pups attacked Khulekani when he attempted to defend his cattle from an attack, according to the daily publication The Chronicle.

The lioness’s claws caused serious wounds to the 16-year-left old’s leg. If not for his comrade Njabulo, Khulekani would have been killed.

The 17-year-old somehow managed to scare off the lioness just as it was about to pounce on his friend. More incredibly, he did all this without any weapons.

Khulekani was later treated and discharged at Victoria Falls Hospital.


Narrating his miraculous escape from the lions, Khulekani told the publication,

“We were sitting with Njabulo when we heard a cow making noises about 50 metres away. When we rushed to the scene, we came face to face with a lion attacking the cow.

“We started making noise to scare it away, and the lion abandoned the cow and turned on us. It charged at us, and we fled in different directions.”

“After running for about 50 metres, I looked over my shoulder and saw the lion gaining ground. I fell down and couldn’t rise as I felt powerless.”

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After noting that his colleague was in distress, Njabulo charged towards the lioness shouting at the top of his voice and shaking tree branches.

Incredibly, the female lion was intimidated and fled from the scene.

Njabulo later helped Khulekani, and the two teenagers made it home without further incident.

Local businessmen Morgen Ncube and Christopher Ndiweni then ferried Khulekani to the hospital.

Ncube, who was clearly shocked by the incident, told the publication,


 “Initially, when these two boys told me about the attack, I didn’t believe them until they explained to me and I saw the wounds. Njabulo has had similar encounters with lions, and he has saved cows from being attacked by lions on three occasions.

“I have personally lost two cows. Our appeal to the Government is that it should try and protect people from these wild animals by reserving grazing land for us and driving away wild animals to another area.”


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