Local News

Kudakwashe Tagwirei Falls Victim To Con Artists

Local business tycoon Kudakwashe Tagwirei has fallen victim to con artists who are using his identity to deceive unwary Zimbabweans into paying for fuel to deliver vehicles that are supposedly being donated to them by the tycoon.

Tagwirei’s company, Sakunda Holdings, has since released a statement warning citizens of the scammers.

“Please be warned against conmen calling members of the public from several foreign WhatsApp numbers, including +27 81 009 3248, while purporting to be Mr Kudakwashe Tagwirei. The conmen, using images of Mr Tagwirei on their WhatsApp profile pictures, are offering tractors and cars, while requesting targeted victims to send diesel to transport the “donated” vehicles. In some cases, they ask for cash to enable delivery of donated goods.

“These acts are clearly meant to scam gullible individuals and tarnish the reputation of Mr Tagwirei and Sakunda Holdings. Please ignore or report these malicious acts to the authorities and safeguard yourselves from becoming victims of fraud.

“Be advised that Mr Tagwirei communicates official business through designated representatives from Sakunda Holdings. Any programmes meant to benefit the public are publicised on the organisation’s official platforms and in accredited media.

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The police have been sweating over scammers who use names of prominent government officials and successful business people to scam members of the public.

Some of the con men name-drop the first family members.

“We have received several complaints from members of the public who have been fleeced their hard-earned cash by con men using names of high profile names. We urge the public to ignore those scammers and report the incidents to the police. We also warn the scammers that the long hand of the law will catch up with them,” Paul Nyathi, police spokesperson said.

Tagwirei, who is also a Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church preacher was recently making headlines after he lamented over scores of married women flooding him with requests for financial assistance.

Tagwirei made the confession while addressing a church congregation. In a short video clip that circulated on social media, Tagwirei shunned women from this behaviour and advised them to seek help from their partners.



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