Local News

Another murder in Budiriro

A self-proclaimed Budiriro 4 thigh vendor was reportedly murdered on Friday evening after an argument with a client over payment, and her body was discovered on Saturday morning at Budiriro 3 shops.

Anna Chiwere, 23, is reported to have hooked up with a client after agreeing on payment and then left, but she was never seen alive again.

“Her friends showed up after they heard that there was a body found dumped at the shops, as they suspected it could be their friend since they had been trying to call her, but her mobile phone number was not going through,” said a source.

See Also: Budiriro 4 Teacher May Have Been Killed For Rituals

Anna’s friend told H-Metro that they had advised her against going with the man she’d hooked up with.

“We discouraged her against going with him after looking at the guy, but she didn’t listen to us. We suspect the two fought after the suspect refused to pay for her services because she was stabbed with a sharp object on her chest.

“When the police searched her pockets, they found some money, but her phone was missing,” she said.

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