Local News

Police boss in r_ape storm, beds married junior cop in office, threatens to fire her

A senior police officer has been accused of demanding s_ex from a married subordinate since 2017.
Chief Inspector Cuthbert Gwidi, the officer-in-charge of the Police Band Department, was reported to have been forcing the 44-year-old band dancer to have s_ex with him.

He reportedly threatened to axe her if she turned down his s_exual advances.

Chief Insp Gwidi is further accused of luring the woman into a hotel room where she was allegedly raped by a councillor only identified as Nleya from Victoria Falls.

The woman disclosed the matter to her husband, who lodged a police report against the two at Harare Central Police Station.

National police spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, confirmed the case and said investigations were underway.

“Police are investigating a case of sexual abuse involving a band officer in charge,” said Ass Comm Nyathi.

According to police sources, Chief Insp Gwidi called the victim to his office sometime in 2017 and threatened to dismiss her if she refused anything he asked for.

“The victim was raped in Gwidi’s office in 2017 and he threatened not to deploy her to paid duties if she disclosed the matter.

“The victim stood her ground and lodged a police report against Gwidi at the Police Complaints Desk, but it was all in vain. She was subjected to sexual abuse by Councillor Nleya in 2019 at a hotel in Victoria Falls where they were assigned to perform at a function,” said the source.

“Gwidi tricked the victim that she was booked in a room together with other dancers, but she found Nleya, Gwidi and another person in the room. Gwidi and the other person left the room leaving Nleya and the victim and she was r_aped.” H Metro



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