Local News

Three boys arrested for smoking mbanje at school

THREE boys who are pupils at George Chipadza Secondary School in Zvishavane in the Midlands Province and a female drug dealer, were arrested after the boys were caught smoking dagga/mbanje in the school premises.

The three boys who are all aged 16 years, were caught red-handed smoking the dagga/mbanje and they implicated their supplier who was also arrested.

Midlands Police spokesperson, Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko confirmed the arrest of the three pupils and the suspected dealer.

“The arrest took place at George Chipadza Secondary after three teenagers were caught red handed by one of the teachers at the school. A police report was made and the three boys implicated Sibongile Masaire (38) of Zvishavane as their supplier,” he said.

Inspector Mahoko said they conducted a search at Masaire’s house and recovered 1,35kgs of dagga.

The three minors were released into the custody of their guardians while Masaire is in police custody.

In another incident, police recovered 75 plants of dagga at a homestead belonging to Lloyd Sibanda in Ziyabangwa village under Chief Wedza area in Zvishavane District.

see also; 636 Drug Dealers Arrested In Door-To-Door Raids

Insp Mahoko said Sibanda vanished after he got wind that police were looking for him following a tip off by members of the public.

“Our officers recovered 75 plants of dagga with an average height of two metres at Sibanda’s garden. The suspect is on the run and we are appealing to members of the public to assist in locating him.

“We are also appealing to members of the public to value their health by desisting from drug and substantive abuse. On the other hand, we call upon parents and guardians to conscientise their children on the dangers of drug and substance abuse,” he said.

The latest arrest comes at a time when police have escalated the fight against drug abuse in the ongoing nationwide crackdown against drug peddlers and abusers.

Dubbed “No to dangerous drugs and illicit substances: See something, say something”, the operation comes after Government instructed police to redouble their efforts against drug lords supplying drugs to youths.

In Bulawayo, police on Monday conducted a vehicle stop and search exercise at a roadblock along Luveve Road to signal the start of the operation in the city. The Government has said the rounding up of drug kingpins would help save young people who ruining their future by abusing drugs.

Police said they would now man roadblocks to stop and search motorists as well as passengers.

President Mnangagwa has called on churches to join the fight against drug and substance abuse.

In 2021, Government launched the National Drug Policy to fight the scourge.

Drug dealers are operating within communities selling drugs which include imbanje, crystal meth, Broncleer and injengu hence they can be flushed out. Chronicle

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