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I Was Bewitched By Family Members: Tryson Chimbetu

Talented Dendera music prodigy, Tryson Chimbetu, is a troubled and bitter man as he reckons bad spirits have been cast on him by his “clan” who are taking advantage of his current predicament.

Tryson said he had since found sanctuary in his spiritual godfather when he Spoke to H-Metro in Glen View on Thursday last week,

“I was bewitched and it’s a hot and sensitive topic. A lot is happening in our family my brother. There are people who realised the talent and potential in me and went on to cast evil spirits on me,” said Tryson.

When contacted for comment, Allan Chimbetu, Tryson’s uncle, said this was not only a Chimbetu problem, but a national issue with parents on the receiving end of abuse from children abusing drugs.

“I want you to research on all cases of drug abuse and see how parents and other family members suffer from people taking drugs.

“If you do such research, then you will see that this Tryson case is only one of many other cases where they abuse and blame others for their predicaments,” said Allan.

Tryson Chimbetu said although people might try to wish or wash it away, he had started prayer sessions with his spiritual godfather, who he declined to identify.

“I am making headways to reclaim my former self,” said the crispy voiced Dendera crooner.

Tryson said it is true that he has been abusing drugs and he regrets every misdeed under the influence. He, however, believes it was during that window that people cast evil spirits on him.

“I regret taking drugs and it is true that I was abusing them. I have abused every street drug available, but that is now water under the bridge because I am now reformed. I regret everything I did with drugs and I want to apologise to every person I hurt during that infamous moment of madness.

“This was the period evil spirits were cast on me. I am one of the most talented Dendera voices in our family and this did not go down well with some family members who felt threatened and cast evil spirits on me.

“Vanhu vanoshinha mukoma, ndakasairirwa mamhepo mumhuri. Asi chimuti ndakutora zvakare,” he said.

He is grateful for the time he spent in rehabilitation at Parirenyatwa Psychiatric Unit (Annexe).


“I spent some time in rehab at Parirenyatwa Hospital. The nurses and doctors there helped me a lot, but I don’t want to talk about it. It is a chapter I have since closed.”

Tryson said he is staying with his mother at the moment and all is well, but he would soon move to some secret place to complete his prayer sessions.

Plans are underway, he said to release an album and a re-do of his father’s yesteryear hit Mwanangu we mahobho.

“I am going into hiding soon. I will be staying with my prophet and after that I am going to do some studio work, including a remix of my father’s hit Mwanangu we mahobho,” he said.

A health worker at Parirenyatwa Hospital said Tryson was discharged after exhibiting sanity and remorse for drug abuse.

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