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Former Warriors Star David Kutyauripo’s Bedr00m Pics Leak

David Kutyauripo’s adulterous romances with many women, including married female members of his fitness club, have been exposed by his enraged wife.

Photographs of the former football star’s man_hood that he sent to his girlfriends, as well as steamy messages about their romantic actions, are among the X-rated content.

Some of the girlfriends live in the United Kingdom.

It swamped social media, including the Diaspora Fitness WhatsApp group, which the former Warriors star founded and grew into a profitable business.

Some of the messages contain obscenely sεxual content

His wife, Cathrine Kadzenga, even attached part of the content to her social media links before removing it, presumably on the advice of her friends and relatives.

The couple, and their young family, relocated to the United Kingdom recently.

David Kutyauripo turned down an offer to work as the Dynamos fitness trainer, saying he wanted to be close to his family in the UK.

“To be honest, I wanted to be part of the Dynamos technical team for this season,” he told H-Metro in January.

“But, when the option to relocate with my family came, I was left with no choice.

“My family comes first.

“I did not see the reason for me to remain in Zimbabwe while my family is in the UK.”

However, his commitment to his family is now being questioned after a dramatic weekend in which his extramarital affairs were made public.

David Kutyauripo and Cathrine Kadzenga
David Kutyauripo and Cathrine Kadzenga

Sources claim that his wife appeared to have bypassed his phone security measures and went through the messages which were in the gadget.

“It’s the same case like we always get, a wife gets hold of your phone and goes through the messages and photos in the phone,” said the course.

“She wasn’t clearly happy with what she saw and, like any other wife, when such things happen, she lost her cool.

“What really hurt her more was that some of the women, who were dating her husband behind her back, are part of the fitness club that he was running and, worse still, they are married.

“Now, she got all these thoughts flooding her head that every time her husband was waking up early for the fitness club sessions, it was also about these romantic flings.

“She personally knows some of these women and by publicly shaming them, she thought she was hitting back at them.”

However, others questioned her decision to post the stuff on social media.

“Of course, she was angry but a wife should never splash all that dirty linen on social media.”

David Kutyauripo could not be contacted yesterday.

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