
Police deny finding gun linked to AKA’s murder

KwaZulu-Natal police have dismissed reports of finding the gun linked to AKA’s murder.

It was reported earlier that police caught a 20-year-old man in Durban with an unlicensed firearm and it was discovered to be AKA’s murder weapon after ballistics tests.

Police have, however, dispeled the reports as false in a statement;

During the early hours of Tuesday, it was reported that the gun used in killing Kiernan AKA Forbes in Durban has been found.

Some media houses, who clearly seem hell-bent to botch any police endeavours to find the killers and bring justice to the families of the victims, started the day on Tuesday morning with unsubstantiated rumours and malicious allegations about the recovery of the so-called murder weapon,” said provincial police spokesperson Lt-Col Robert Netshiunda.

“This insensitive, unethical, and inconsiderate reporting has great potential of arming the persons of interest with ammunition to further complicate police progress into the matter.”

He said the police are making good progress on the investigation, hence the media should halt in promoting false reports.

“Journalists are also advised against formulating uncorroborated allegations for the sole reason of triggering a reaction or soliciting commentary from the police. The zeal to break the story should never surpass the responsibility to report truthfully and ethically.”

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