
Muvhango: Chief Azwindini rises from the dead

Popular SABC2 soapie Muvhango will raise the dead in the coming weeks when Chief Azwindini makes a return after he left the show a fortnight ago.

Sunday World understands that the role, which is played by talented thespian Gabriel Temudzani, was never written off from the soapie, but was instead killed off as part of a public relations (PR) stunt.

Speaking to Sunday World on Tuesday, both Temudzani and the soapie’s publicist Kgomotso Ndwandwe played coy, stating that Temudzani’s character was indeed killed off.

However, both parties are locked in discussions with the producers about Temudzani’s role.

Ndwandwe said: “I cannot comment on him being back on set, but I can say that he is in conversations with the producers.”

Ndwandwe added that Temudzani’s exit sparked a conversation among fans who were left heartbroken by his departure, saying the soapie will release a statement on Temudzani’s position on the show in due course.

Temudzani reiterated Ndwandwe’s comments, saying he was humbled by overwhelming calls for his return.

“We are in talks and that is all I can say. I will refer anything else to Kgomotso and she will take it from there,” he said.

Earlier in May, Muvhango released a statement bidding farewell to Temudzani after spending more than 20 years portraying the role of Chief Azwindini.

Muvhango’s viewers are currently following the storyline around the drama surrounding his family during funeral arrangements.

However, sources at the show have revealed that the actor never left the show, saying he continues to film new scenes ahead of his grand return.

“Gabriel has been on set, this is all part of their PR. He will be back soon. You wait and watch,” said a source.

“That guy is Muvhango, and they would be stupid by upsetting their loyal Venda viewers by letting him or vho Suzan go.”

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