Local News

“Tragedy Strikes: Grieving Mother Speaks Out After Four-Year-Old Girl’s Death in Zvimba Beating Incident”

NOMSA Sibanda, the mother of four-year-old Princess Shoko, has spoken about her

Princess was beaten to death by a runaway couple, Nomsa’s sister, Lister Sibanda and her
husband, John Zvivi.
Princess’ body was found on August 2 in Kuwadzana Extension where she stayed with the
evil couple and her six-year-old sister.
Nomsa left her two daughters in their custody while she worked as a maid in South Africa.
The couple subjected the two minors to abuse, brutalising them with electrical cables and a
walking stick.
The six-year-old was left with bruises all over her body and is currently receiving medical
attention at a local hospital.
Her medical report stated that she sustained broken ribs.
Nomsa told H-Metro at Parirenyatwa Hospital yesterday that Lister had informed her that
Princess had died from “spiritual” attacks.
She said she received the news of Princess’ death while on her way to Zimbabwe to collect
She had planned to take Princess to stay with her in South Africa, and leave the six-year-old
in custody of her father.
“The day I received the news, I was on my way to Zimbabwe to take my daughter with me
because my sister had been calling me saying that Princess was having spiritual attacks.
“While on the way, the husband called and told me not to bother coming as they had
everything under control.
“He said that I should not waste money, but rather send the money to them for the upkeep
of my children.
“I had an argument with him, and he kept sending WhatsApp audio messages saying I
should go back.

“In the evening he told me that my daughter was dead.
“I was so shocked because he had assured me that she was feeling better,” said Nomsa.
When she arrived in Harare, Lister told her that they had already buried Princess.
Nomsa said she pleaded with Lister to take her to Princess’ grave, but the husband said it
was impossible as they had no money for transport.
“She told me that she was dead, but the neighbours were told a different story.
“One of the neighbours was told that Princess was visiting her grandmother.”
Princess’ body was later found in a sack by someone, who is yet to give a statement to the
The couple denied killing Princess, but confirmed stuffing the minor’s remains in a sack and
dumping them.
Her body was found in a stream along the Harare-Bulawayo Road, between Kuwadzana
Extension and Glaudin

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