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Landlady fakes tenant’s death and the reason will surprise you

In a rather bizarre, a landlady in Zengeza, Chitungwiza, conspired with his tenant Kenny Tore (49) to fake his death.

Kenny and his landlady Concilia Tabvunya orchestrated this audacious scheme in a ploy to force his relatives to settle his backdated rent and unpaid bills, totaling US$380, which had accrued over the course of four months.

This strange plan unfolded as Kenny Tore found himself in dire straits due to unpaid debts owed to him by his elder brother, Tenson. In a desperate attempt to recoup his wages, Kenny and his landlady, Concilia Tabvunya, hatched an extraordinary idea: fake Kenny’s death.

Kenny, in an admission that lends a surreal twist to the tale, confirmed to H-Metro that he willingly agreed to participate in this ruse to compel his elder brother to repay his outstanding debts.

It was Concilia who took the initiative to send a fabricated message to Kenny’s family, falsely informing them of his supposed demise. The message reached Kenny’s ex-wife, who, unaware of the prank, began the process of procuring a funeral policy for her former spouse.

It’s true that I phoned Kenny’s relatives, after agreeing with him, informing them about a fake death because he has been suffering with his brother not paying him his dues,” Concilia confirmed.

When Kenny’s family members arrived at the house to mourn his “passing,” they were met with a shocking revelation. Unable to pay the accumulated rent and bills, they left the premises in anger, leaving behind a perplexing trail of deceit.

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Kenny’s plight stems from his employment under Tenson, his elder brother, as a welder. Tenson, however, had not been forthcoming with Kenny’s wages, which had now swelled to an excess of US$800. Furthermore, Kenny’s wife had departed for South Africa in February and had yet to return, leaving him in a state of abandonment.

In the midst of his predicament, Kenny’s children, who work as farm labourers, were unable to contribute significantly to the household expenses. After pleading with his landlady, the extraordinary plan to fake his own death was birthed.

“My children are farm workers, so they do not earn much. I pleaded with my landlady until we agreed to fake my death. They came in their numbers, but all of them failed to settle my rentals,” Kenny revealed.

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