
30, 000 flock to Mai TT’s Facebook Live video upon release from prison

More than 30,000 viewers tuned in to Mai Titi’s live video to welcome her from prison as she narrated her experience from the cells and also thanked all those who stood by her.

Mai TT was sentenced to 9 months in prison for theft of trust property and only served two months.

She was set free after appealing to the High Court against her conviction by the magistrates court.

Her family welcomed her at the Chikurubi prison gates where she spent the better part of the day having her release papers being processed.

In her message earlier in the day she wrote:

My salutations go out to you all as you have joined me here for this momentous occasion both physically and online. You have taken time off your busy schedules to witness this event and I do not take that for granted. All Protocols observed.

Ladies and Gentlemen.

First and foremost, let me hasten to state that if it were not for the good Lord who never fails His own and the faith of good people like you, I would not be here today. I speak today with humility and gratitude to thank the Almighty for his unconditional love towards me. God allowed that I go through this experience, and I believe it because it was in His will and purpose for my life and own good. I have faith that so many testimonies will come out of it making true Jeremiah 29 v 11 that He knows the plans He has for me.

To my parents and siblings, your tireless and endless sacrifices for me cannot be taken for granted. Life can be cruel yet your love and kindness towards me have kept me positive throughout my life journey. You are my greatest cheerleaders, and I would not be here without you in my corner which has created a sense of security within me that has allowed me to take on the world. Whenever I felt as if no one understood me, you did. I may not have been the best child or sibling you could have and to my parents I may not have made parenthood a walk In the park, yet you have always stopped to see the beauty and smell the roses amongst thorns. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being you.

To my Personal Assistant Wasu, your dedicated and efficient demeanor as my Personal Assistant has caught people’s attention. You have therefore set a wonderful illustration for your peers with similar roles. Iam indeed indebted to you Wasu. Today I do not intend to shower you with flowery speech but to let you know that I cherish your hard work, dedication, positivity, work ethics, optimism and for making my burdens lighter. Thank you.

To my Best Friend Mai Khloe, you remind me of what Ophrah Winfrey said that lots of people want to ride with you in the limo but what one needs is one who is ready to ride with them in the bus if the limo breaks down. You have been that kind of friend to me. I value our friendship because it has survived both the good and bad times and therefore it is worthwhile. Thank you for riding the limos and buses with me, we have summered and wintered together, and I appreciate you Shamwari.

To my UK family, my fans, and followers, I believe it is of utmost importance to appreciate you as you bring about a positive impact in everything, It does not matter how great or small. You too inspire me in an amazing way. You have stood with me in both good and bad times. I sincerely appreciate your tolerance and patience and above all for taking interest in my work and showering me with love and kindness always. Honestly, I look forward to cementing and making our relationships stronger.

To my Lawyer Mr. Tafadzwa Byron Muvhami of Muvhami Attorneys, you handled the appeal with so much wisdom and zeal. I was completely impressed by your communication skills and courage during the court sessions. I was also blown away by your integrity and all the hard work you put in. You worked tirelessly to ensure the best possible outcome on my behalf. Thank you for the excellent work you did as my Attorney. I can now conduct my business again without any sort of interferences. If it was not for your analytical skills and profonde legal knowledge the matter would not be settled by now. Your legal expertise and professionalism went above and beyond my expectations throughout the appeal. Thank you for protecting my brand. I feel so indebted to you. Thank you.

To my other Lawyer, Mr. Masango, You were with me from the time the case began, and you stood by me throughout my incarceration. You always checked on me and showed me great support; and ensured that I did not lose hope. Thank you.

To the love of my life you remind me of Corinthians 13 that love is kind, patient, does not envy or boast and is not proud, that love does not dishonor others, is not self-seeking, is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. Iam blessed to have you on my side.

Thank you all for supporting me financially, legally, emotionally and in many other ways I have not stated above.


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