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Westprop Champions Sustainability: Wetland Transformation Project to Boost Biodiversity

Westprop CEO, Mr. Ken Sharpe, has unveiled the company’s ambitious plans for the rejuvenation of a previously neglected wetland situated between the Pokugara and Millennium Heights lifestyle developments at Millennium Park in Borrowdale West.

Despite recent challenges arising from the land’s sale, Westprop remains resolute in its commitment to converting the area into a vibrant nature park, prioritizing environmental sustainability and fostering a harmonious relationship between nature and urban spaces.

The $1 million project is designed to overhaul the wetland, reintroduce diverse flora and fauna, and establish an eco-friendly tourism facility equipped with amenities like walkways, bicycle tracks, bird-viewing sites, fishing, and canoeing facilities.

Aligned with Westprop’s overarching theme of ‘live, work, shop, and play,’ the initiative aims to provide recreational opportunities for residents within the gated community while contributing positively to the broader Zimbabwean community.

During the press briefing, Mr. Sharpe emphasized the importance of wetland parks in enhancing urban thermal environments, drawing on research from Science Direct. The proposed park, envisioned as a symbol of ecological city development, is anticipated to deliver ecological, economic, and social benefits, including effective stormwater management, flood reduction, and improved water quality.

Westprop, having obtained its Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) certificate in December 2015, reaffirmed its dedication to the coordinated and sustainable development of the wetland. The company recognizes the pivotal role of wetland parks in promoting sustainable urban development and enhancing the overall quality of life for urban residents.

As Zimbabwe prepares to host COP 25 in 2025, Westprop sees this initiative as a tangible representation of the symbiotic relationship between nature and humanity. The company is actively seeking public input, unveiling designs for the park, and welcoming contributions to transform this vision into reality.

Westprop expressed gratitude to government agencies for preventing construction on the wetland, thus averting potential disaster, and ensuring accountability for those involved in the process.

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