
Nomzamo Mbatha’s sister arrested for assaulting pregnant woman

Businesswoman and self-proclaimed hustler, Wendy Mbatha- who is the sister of actress Nomzamo Mbatha-has been released on bail alongside her boyfriend Senzo Cele (34) for allegedly beating up pregnant woman, Snothile Gambushe (Gumede).

Cele was caught on camera assaulting the woman last Thursday. In the video, he is seen hitting her with his bare hands before security guards intervene.

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Although it is unclear what led to the beating, Wendy (40) has shown scars on her bust, saying she was bitten by Snothile and that she was the one who was attacked. Wendy also released conversations where she was advised to see a doctor for the bite mark.

“I see her intentions for biting me, she wants to make me sick,’ Wendy said.

Snothile went on a social media rampage, cursing Senzo and saying.

“I am not scared of you Senzo. I am not dating you. You whore of a man.’ Wendy shared on her social media that Snothile apologized to her for cursing her man.

“This girl apologized for everything and said she would write on social media that she was joking. She even called me Mandy by mistake and said she thought I was the girl who took her man.

This girl has been attacking us and we don’t know her. She claims my family ithwele (has done rituals for money). She goes around saying I support a man. The last straw was when she rejoiced when I lost my baby and swore at Senzo’s late mom.”

The couple spent two nights in police holding cells after their arrest on Sunday. They appeared at the Pinetown Magistrates Court for assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and were released on R1 500 bail each. The matter was postponed to 29 April for further police investigation.

MEC for Social Development in KZN condemned the incident. MEC Nonhlanhla Khoza said an assault on a pregnant woman was an insult to the principles of humanity and decency. “Such horrendous acts have no place in our society and those responsible must face the full might of the law,’ said Khoza.

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