
2030 Ndenge Ndeichiripo: ZANU PF Offers Mnangagwa 3rd Term In office

Bikita South Member of Parliament, Energy Mutodi, on Wednesday said ZANU PF has “offered” President Emmerson Mnangagwa a third term in office.

In a post on X, Mutodi, who was attending the Robert Mugabe National Youth Day Celebrations at Mushagashe Training Centre in Masvingo, presided over by President Mnangagwa, said:

ZANU PF Masvingo province today offered President ED Mnangagwa a third term in office as president of Zimbabwe.

Amid cheers, whistling and ululations, the provincial chairman Robson Mavhenyengwa chanted the slogan “2030 vaMnangagwa vanenge vachipo!” to deafening applause.

Several ZANU PF functionaries who attended the event chanted a slogan that Mnangagwa (81) “will still be there in 2030.”

Vice President Kembo Mohadi, who took to the podium to introduce President Mnangagwa, also repeated the slogan. He said:

Your Excellency, before I invite you to take the podium, I was thrilled by the new slogan. Allow me to chant the slogan.

Mnangagwa, whose second and final term expires in 2028, referred to the new slogan during his speech, He said:

Those saying Mnangagwa will be there in 2030, was there any suggestion that I won’t be there? Only one person knows when I’m going, and that’s Jehovah.

There is a reported push by President Mnangagwa’s loyalists to amend the constitution to scrap term limits so that he can run for the presidency in 2028.

The amendment would have to be approved by two-thirds of lawmakers in the National Assembly, and again in the Senate.

Besides, the constitution says the incumbent cannot benefit from an amendment to a term limit provision.

Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, who is the frontrunner to replace Mnangagwa as he is ZANU PF’s vice president and second secretary alongside Mohadi, missed Wednesday’s event as he is on a trip to Russia.

President Mnangagwa once said he will be adhering to the constitution which limits any presidential aspirations to two terms.

President Mnangagwa Responds To 3rd Term

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