
Lebo M’s stepson found guilty

Lebo M’s stepson, Mthunzi “Shogun’ Ngani, was found guilty two years after allegedly assaulting his girlfriend and the mother of his child, Ashleigh Ogle.

Although the upcoming rapper and influencer, whose mother is Lebo’M ex wife Angela, survived a jail sentence, he was slapped with a fine and a criminal record.

Mthunzi was seen on a viral video, violently trying to break into his ex-girlfriend’s home. He appeared in court this week with his mother and lawyers by his side.

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Mthunzi was given a fine because he is the first time offender. According to sources close to the situation his mother Angela is relieved that the ordeal is finally over and Mthunzi is able to move on with his life. “This dark cloud has been hanging over them for the past two years,” a source said.

The source says although he is off the hook, the fact that he has a criminal record is the new stress to the family.

“He just needs to stay far away from trouble because he can easily land behind bars,’ adds the source. Mthunzi dated the model and influencer when Lebo M was still with his mother.

According to highly placed sources their relationship took everyone by surprise because of the huge age gap between the couple.

“We were all against this relationship because Mthunzi is much younger than her by far. He fell in love and did stupid things,’ adds the source.

According to another source Angela tried to stop the relationship but Mthunzi was head over heels with Ogle.

“Understandably so, she is hot and irresistible but Angela saw the red flags,’ adds the source.

After the incident Lebo M quickly issued a statement claiming that he was of aware of the “historical foundation of Mthunzi’s violence’, citing that Mthunzi’s actions are as a result of the violence he allegedly experienced at Angela’s hands as a child. Called for comment, Angela did not want to comment on the matter.

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