
Zimbabwe to join BRICS

The BRICS alliance, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, is reportedly looking to expand its membership and reduce the dominance of the US-led monetary system. Russia and China are spearheading efforts to invite new member nations into the fold in a bid to reshape the global financial landscape. According to reports, Russia aims to bolster the alliance by inviting Syria and Bolivia to join BRICS, while China has similarly extended invitations to Zimbabwe, Cuba, and Cameroon.


The BRICS alliance has emerged as a formidable bloc seeking to counterbalance Western economic influence and advocate for a more multipolar world order. At the heart of BRICS’ agenda lies the ambition to promote de-dollarization, that is, to reduce dependency on the US dollar in international trade and finance. By diversifying currency reserves and exploring alternative payment mechanisms, BRICS aims to reduce vulnerabilities associated with the US-dominated financial system.


The addition of Syria and Bolivia, two nations that have faced geopolitical challenges and economic sanctions, could bolster BRICS’ geopolitical clout and provide a platform for greater collaboration in areas such as trade, investment, and security cooperation. The inclusion of Syria, which has been embroiled in a long-standing civil war, could also help to stabilize the region through economic diplomacy.


China’s overtures to Zimbabwe, Cuba, and Cameroon signal an expansion of BRICS’ footprint into regions traditionally overlooked by Western powers. By welcoming these nations into the alliance, BRICS aims to foster closer ties with African and Latin American countries, tapping into their economic potential and strategic significance. The inclusion of Zimbabwe, which has been subject to political and economic upheaval, could help to stabilize the country and promote economic development.

Also Read: BRICS adds six new countries

However, the prospect of BRICS expansion is not without its challenges. Potential new members may face internal political pressures and concerns about aligning too closely with Russia and China, both of which have faced criticism from Western powers over their domestic policies and international behavior. Moreover, the addition of new members could complicate decision-making within BRICS, as divergent interests and priorities may emerge among member nations with varying economic strengths and geopolitical ambitions.


Despite these challenges, BRICS leaders remain steadfast in their commitment to advancing the alliance’s agenda of promoting multipolarity and challenging the hegemony of the Western-dominated financial system. As geopolitical dynamics continue to evolve, the expansion of BRICS could herald a new chapter in the global economic order, with implications for trade, finance, and geopolitics on a global scale. The inclusion of new member nations could also bring new perspectives and ideas to the table, leading to more comprehensive and innovative solutions to the challenges facing the international community.

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