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Prophet Magaya Clashes With Chitungwiza Council Over US$90 million Deal

The Mega Borehole drilling project in Chitungwiza has hit a snag after Prophet Walter Magaya was ordered to refund US$90 million to the investor due to a lack of transparency in his dealings with the Chitungwiza Municipality.

The project, aimed at improving water delivery in Chitungwiza and surrounding areas of Seke, was initiated by Prophet Magaya, who solicited investment for the water scheme through his company Wistmer Investment.

However, Councilor Gylord Chenjera revealed that Prophet Magaya has failed to follow proper procedures, causing divisions among councillors.

Also Read: Women in violent confrontation at Walter Magaya’s church

During a recent council meeting, it was revealed that Prophet Magaya had not provided the necessary documents, and the investor was instructed to demand a refund.

The meeting was adjourned after councillors expressed outrage and accusations of bribery.

“We know you have taken bribes from Magaya!” shouted one councillor, as others expressed frustration over the handling of the project.

The controversy has raised questions about the transparency and accountability of the project, and the involvement of Prophet Magaya in the dealings.

The matter is ongoing, with further developments expected in the coming days.

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