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Pray for Kenya: Prophet Orasi foresees more deaths

Amid the ongoing protests and tense scenes playing out in Kenya, self-proclaimed Zimbabwean prophet, Mellontik Orasi, has issued a warning of impending doom for the country. Taking to social media, Prophet Orasi implored his followers and the public at large to pray for Kenya, citing a foreseen period of unrest and potential government violence.

Prophet Mellontik Orasi’s warning comes at a tumultuous time for Kenya, with widespread demonstrations erupting in response to proposed tax hikes. The protests, primarily led by the youth, have seen clashes with the police and raised concerns about the economic impact of the proposed tax increases.

“Pray for Kenya I know Kenyans like opposing all prophecies made here,

I am seeing people rioting
Here the government uses force and kills people in the streets”. He said

In a Facebook post, Prophet Mellontik Orasi shared a screenshot of a prophecy he made earlier in the year, foretelling the troubled times awaiting Kenya from August to December. He emphasized the need for prayers and called on everyone to join in seeking divine intervention to avert the impending crisis.

“I know I have become public enemy of Kenyans ,All I do Is to warn what I see August to December should be prayed for,”

The stark images and videos circulating on social media depict the gravity of the situation, with Kenyans taking to the streets in opposition to the proposed finance bill. The bill aims to introduce new taxes and levies, which many fear will further exacerbate the already challenging cost-of-living conditions in the country.

Kenyana police beat up protester: Creator: CARL DE SOUZA Copyright: AFP or licensors
Kenyana police beat up protester: Creator: CARL DE SOUZA
Copyright: AFP or licensors

The demonstrations have not been without confrontation, as authorities have responded with tear gas and water cannons to disperse the protesters gathered near the parliament in Nairobi.

The scenes of unrest and the escalating tensions between the protesters and law enforcement have added to the atmosphere of uncertainty and concern within the country.


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