Local News

Freeman killed in fight over girlfriend

In a tragic turn of events in Sipepa, a 29-year-old man named Mncedisi Tshuma has been arrested in connection with the murder of a 37-year-old acquaintance, Freeman Gumbo.

The incident took place on June 24, 2024, near the Qedulwazi, Tshayile Business Centre. According to the police report, the altercation between the two men turned deadly when Tshuma allegedly stabbed Gumbo with an okapi knife during an argument over a girlfriend.

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Tragically, Gumbo succumbed to his injuries at the scene, and Tshuma has since been taken into custody by the Sipepa police, who are conducting a thorough investigation into the case.

The community has been deeply affected by this senseless loss of life, and shockwaves of grief have reverberated through the local area.

In other news;

A Bulawayo man has been sentenced to 20 years in prison after murdering his wife and forcing their young children to sleep beside her dead body.

Bambanani Ndlovu was convicted by Bulawayo High Court judge Evangelista Kabasa, who condemned his actions as a horrific example of gender-based violence. Ndlovu’s defence, claiming he acted in self-defence when his wife, Happiness Ngwenya, allegedly grabbed his testicles during an argument, was rejected by the court.

The tragic incident occurred following a dispute over Ndlovu’s late return home. In a fit of rage, Ndlovu strangled Ngwenya in front of their two young children. He then made them sleep with their mother’s corpse, further traumatizing the minors.

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Judge Kabasa highlighted the brutal nature of the crime, stating, “A home should be a sanctuary of peace and love, not a place where a spouse loses their life at the hands of one who claims to love them. The hands that should have nurtured her ended her life.”

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