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Mabelreign Prophet gives away murderers

A MABELREIGN prophet alerted police yesterday about three suspected murderers who approached him for cleansing.

On Monday night, the three suspects allegedly stabbed a vendor, Tobias Matiyase, five times with a knife during a dispute over change.

Tinotenda Zemba (20), Kudzanayi Sala (21) and John Cheutare (age not given) were apprehended at the shrine after the unidentified prophet tipped off police.

Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, a national police spokesperson, confirmed the incident.

According to the allegations, the suspects used a US$1 bill to purchase four cigarettes and bananas from Tobias.

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After Tobias gave them $200 in change, there was a misunderstanding. Instead, Zemba, Sala, and Cheutare allegedly demanded $400 in cash.

It’s also claimed that Tobias tried to explain to the three suspects that their change was $200, but they responded by stabbing him five times with a knife before fleeing.

The suspects then went to Mabelreign’s unnamed prophet for cleansing.

The prophet called the cops while pretending to perform a cleansing ceremony, and the trio was apprehended at the shrine.

Tobias’ nephew’s death caught them off guard, according to Moses Matiyase, and they are devastated.

“For me, it’s like I am still dreaming, I can’t believe it yet that Tobias is gone for good,” he said.

“It’s painful considering the circumstances surrounding his death.

“Tobias has been a vendor for more than 15 years and he was someone very quiet.

“He was not violent and we are deeply pained as a family,” he said.


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