Local News

Deadly Xmas As Man Is Killed Over US$1 Plate Of Sadza

A MAN from Bulawayo’s Sizinda suburb was killed after being viciously knifed for allegedly failing to pay for a plate of sadza that cost a “measly US$1.”

The shocking incident happened shortly after 3 p.m. on Christmas Day.
Musateta Rutayi (35) and his friends Blessing Marara (35) and Pesanai Maziriri (38) went to Mejury Ncube’s house to buy sadza, according to a resident of Sizinda who asked not to be identified.

According to the neighbor, Rutayi purchased a plate of sadza for $1 and shared it with his friends.
Ncube confronted Rutayi while they were eating and accused him of eating without paying, but Rutayi is said to have told her that he had paid.

A fuming Ncube reportedly snatched the plate of sadza from the trio and ordered them to leave her place.

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It is said they refused to leave as they insisted that they had paid.
Ncube phoned her boss Kundai Moyo (24) who swiftly reacted and arrived in his Honda Fit.

“He found Rutayi and his friends leaving and he confronted them and punched Rutayi before stabbing him several times with a knife in the stomach. He fell to the ground and bled profusely,” said the neighbour.

Maziriri organised a car and rushed Rutayi to the United Bulawayo Hospital (UBH) for medical attention; unfortunately, he died upon arrival.
Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the incident.

“We would like to urge community members to refrain from resorting to violence whenever they are faced with a dispute. They should engage pastors, police’s Victim Friendly Unit (VFU) and relatives,” he said.-B Metro


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