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Madzibaba Joshua Snatches Man’s Wife

A HELENSVALE couple’s marriage of seven years is on the brink of collapse, as the husband is complaining that he is being ƨəx starved because of Madzibaba Joshua.

Andrew Majar, 32, claimed his wife Teresa Kondo, 29, has been denying him ƨəx for the past three months. Majar said their problem started when his wife’s friend started spreading rumours that she was dating their church leader, Madzibaba Joshua, of Johane Masowe Yeguwo Tsvuku.

“At first I thought that people were lying about my wife’s infidelity and I tried to talk to her nicely. I was later convinced that she was indeed dating Madzibaba Joshua after going through some messages in her cellphone.

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“I also heard that Madzibaba Joshua was frequently coming to my homestead claiming to be helping my daughter who is not feeling well,” he said.

Contacted for comment, Teresa could neither deny nor confirm the rumours.

She said the media could not solve their matrimonial problems.

“I don’t want to comment on this story because matrimonial problems cannot be solved by a newspaper article,” she said.


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