
Disappointed: Sikhala his health is rapidly deteriorating

Job Sikhala, the interim vice-chairman of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), has written another heart-wrenching letter from Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison, accusing some of his close associates of plotting with his “tormentors” to sell out and poison him for “cheap political and financial gain”.

Sikhala indicated in a letter dated January 1, 2023 that his health had deteriorated over the preceding three weeks, sparking suspicions he had colon cancer.

The Zengeza West politician has spent seven months in remand prison for inciting violence at Moreblessing Ali’s burial wake.

Sikhala, Godfrey Sithole (Chitungwiza North), and 14 other Nyatsime citizens are charged with impeding justice.

“With respect, prison teaches one to identify real friends from hypocrites,” the letter said. It opened my eyes and dispelled certain misconceptions about others.

“It made me realize that my true friends are the masses and people of Zimbabwe, across all classes and professions, domestically and in the diaspora. Daily, I hear their passionate roars and screams.

“The University of Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison has shown treacherous hypocrites, sellouts, colluders with my persecution, and opportunists aiming to profit from my plight for cheap political and financial gain. Some hoped I’d die. Ailing. “Pray for my death, please.”

Without acknowledging visits and solidarity messages from party leader Nelson Chamisa and his inner circle, Sikhala added: “Some plotted schemes to destroy me by spreading false intelligence given to them by their handlers and are dabbling in rumor-mongering and getting into deals as far as carrying poisoned food to deliver it with a friendly smile. I know their tricks.”

Friends of Job Sikhala Trust spokesperson Emmanuel Zellers Gumbo said the jailed MP wasn’t referring to CCC colleagues.

Job Sikhala isn’t criticizing his CCC party associates, but there are some who purported to be close to him and provide solidarity. People outside CCC he’s known for a long time sought to sow division between him and the party, Gumbo said.

Fadzayi Mahere, a CCC spokesperson, said the party would continue backing Sikhala.

“We’ll stand alongside Sikhala until justice is done.” We want a new Zimbabwe where nobody is prosecuted for politics. Mahere told NewsDay he’ll strive for dignity, prosperity, and freedom in 2023.

Sikhala, who the state called an unrepentant serial criminal to deny him bail, claimed he hasn’t been well for three weeks and fears cancer.

“A ache on my left side that started mildly has gotten heavy and excessive,” he stated.

“Something painful emerges from the left side that I don’t understand. Please note colon cancer. I’m worried.

“The discomfort is worse when I sleep on my left side. Zimbabweans, please pray for my healing. God heals everything.

Over 50,000 Zimbabweans inside and outside the country petitioned President Mnangagwa last year to release Sikhala.

Officials said Mnangagwa won’t interfere in court cases because he respects the division of powers.



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