Local News

Muvhevhi Still On The Run: Police

Police are still on the hunt for murder suspect Jaison Muvhevhi who allegedly shot and killed three people in Wedza on Friday.

Police national spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said they have recovered an FN rifle allegedly used in the murder in a Toyota Allion vehicle dumped by Muvhevhi in Chipinge.

He also dismissed as false messages circulating on social media that Muvhevhi had been arrested.
Muvhevhi is alleged to have killed a church leader at an apostolic sect shrine in Wedza on Friday before turning the gun on a police officer who was trying to arrest him and another individual identified as a barman at Mukamba Business Centre.

Driving a white Toyota Allion, Muvhevhi arrived at the apostolic sect shrine at 2.30pm where members had congregated for their Friday prayers, and immediately pulled out a firearm and shot at one of the sect’s leaders from point blank range.

He then attacked policemen who had heeded a distress call.

The lone gunman then shot and killed the Wedza Police Station Officer-in-Charge and seriously injured another police officer.

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From there, as if possessed by some evil spirit, Muvhevhi drove his vehicle to Mukamba Business Centre where he shot and killed another person, before speeding off.

In a statement, national police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said: “The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) is urgently appealing for information which may immediately lead to the arrest of a suspect who is driving a Toyota Allion, new shape, white in colour, registration number AFW 7641.

“The suspect drove his vehicle and went to Mukamba Business Centre where he shot another person dead and drove away. The suspect is currently on the run and the public is urged to approach him with extreme caution.”

Asst Comm Nyathi said anyone with information that can lead to the arrest of the suspect can report at any nearest police station or contact National Complaints Desk number 0242 703631 or WhatsApp number 0712 800197 or Mashonaland East Operations number 06523 20581.

Not much detail could be obtained last night, especially the motive for the killings, as police officers said the immediate task was to track down the suspect and bring him into custody before he commits further crimes.

At the time of the shootings, the suspect was said to be in the company of a driver whose name could not be established by the time of going to print last night.

Some people who contacted The Herald from Wedza yesterday said Negombwe Village in the Mukamba area under Chief Ruzane has been shocked by the killings.

They said some of the villagers immediately went to hide in their gardens and fields while others left the area completely to avoid contact with the armed killer.

There were indications that the suspect had a grudge with many people in the village after they blocked him from setting up a gold mining business, arguing that his project would take up a large area of livestock pastures.

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