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Dad Names Kids Jesus, Mbuya Nehanda, and Mugabe

Jesus, Mbuya Nehanda, and Mugabe are siblings! Believe it or not, a Harare family incarnates them.

If we invite DNA expert Tinashe Mugabe, his job will be easy.

Zimbabweans share the three names for whatever reason.

Some names are familiar and odd internationally.

Mbuya Nehanda, a revolutionary medium in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), was executed.

Jesus, God’s son, saved the world.

Robert Gabriel Mugabe founded Zimbabwe

The trio is typical of a Warren Park family.

Farai Kambamura, a Warren Park dreadlocker, named his three children distinctively. Jesus, Mbuya Nehanda, and Mugabe are his children (4).

Jesus, Mugabe, and Nehanda are siblings in their family. School-aged trio.

Jesus, Mbuya Nehanda, and Mugabe attend a Warren Park school.

Mr. Kambamura stated his slum existence inspired the children’s names.

I was thrilled when my wife had our first child. I thought about Mai Maria when she gave birth (biblical Mary the mother of Jesus). “God is with us, this is Jesus,” he said.

Mr. Kambamura said the second child was named after Nehanda’s ultimate sacrifice for our country’s liberty.

I thought of Mbuya Nehanda when Jesus gave us a daughter. She fought till she was executed for this country.

“Six years after my daughter was born, I was pleased to see the monument of Mbuya Nehanda in the city center and on local currency bank notes. “She’s thrilled,” he remarked.

Mr. Kambamura called his last-born Mugabe.

“Mugabe my son is too smart. His eyes told me before identifying him. Blue-eyed.

“I revere our past President. My four-year-old son Mugabe dreams in English. He dreamed Apple.

“He’s smart like him. He’ll move. “I think he will take care of his mother and siblings if I die,” he stated.

Mr. Kambamura said the children and relatives initially doubted the names.

“The grandmother said I’m crazy if I name them. I kept contacting them at home.

She calls me “Baba Bona” now. She is the biggest admirer, and the mother initially thought I was insane but calls them those names,” he said.

Kambamura claimed Mbuya Nehanda is thrilled to be recognized by name.

The $50 bank note’s Mbuya Nehanda statue and visage thrilled her. She used to cry when called that, but now she’s thrilled.

“When we travel to town, she proudly points to Mbuya Nehanda monument stating that is me. He said, “Ukundiona ukundiona” if you give her the banknote.

Mr. Kambamura claimed Jesus followed the Bible.

I’m Catholic like my dreadlocked kid. He serves church mass and carries the procession cross. When he enters the church humorously pronouncing Jesus “auya,” people are captivated.

“I knew when I wrote these words. Jesus, God with us. I told my wife God is with us. “Imagine we are blessed and have a gift,” he remarked.


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