

The United Movement for Devolution (UDM) president, Lovemore Moyo, says Zimbabwe needs electoral changes before the 2023 harmonised elections.
In Reflections on the past, present, and future, Moyo made these statements.

Without electoral reforms, free, fair, and transparent elections are impossible.

Moyo predicted that this year’s elections will be ugly and brutal.

“I may seem like casting aspersions on our electoral procedures, but history and experience tell me that the Zanu PF administration is unwilling to support democratic, free, and fair elections that match SADC criteria and norms. Thus, the opposition, churches, and civil society must press Zanu PF to equalize the electoral playing field.”

Moyo maintained that the opposition, churches, and civic society must advocate for reforms to prevent the governing party from exploiting the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to win elections.

“ZEC is weak institutionally and significantly compromised since it’s staffed mostly by Zanu PF officials who are political. Transparency was lacking in the latest voter registration fiasco. The ZEC’s refusal to provide the current voters’ roll to key stakeholders shows a complicit and politicized electoral body.”

Moyo advised voters to diligently monitor campaign pledges and hold politicians accountable if they fail to deliver.

“As we approach 2023 harmonised general elections later in the year, people must take stock of the promises and falsehoods made by the Zanu PF administration and make it account for its electoral pledges and poor service performance since the 2018 plebiscite,” he added. CITE



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