

To be honest, as I am writing this article, I still cannot believe that “the multi-talented” the man, the icon, the megastar, Kiernan Jarryd Forbes (born 28 January 1988) or AKA as he is known by his legion of fans has indeed really gone. As the news of his passing away started making rounds on social media on February 10, it was hard to believe, many of us wished if it was some joke in bad taste, so we waited for him to tweet and dismiss such rumors.

However, the following morning, as big media houses started covering the story, we realized indeed that the worst had happened it was heartbreaking. What made it more heartbreaking was how he passed away from us, it was not a natural death or a sickness rather it was pure evil that took him away from us. He was gunned down, by a group of evil people, because honestly to this very day it is hard to figure out why anyone would think of such a heinous act on a man who was beloved worldwide.

If anything, the South African Police Service (SAPS) must make sure they solve this one, the culprits must be brought to book, that is the only way the entire Megacy (the name his fans go by) can find some sort of closure. But then again, considering the number of high-profile cases such as this one that have gone on for years unsolved (Senzo Meyiwa’s case comes to mind), one can only wish. With that said, the memorial that took place on the 17th of February at the Sandton Convention Centre was a pure celebration of the icon, as family, friends, industry peers and fans gathered to celebrate everything AKA.

With the notable highlight of the ceremony being the introduction of Sim Dope, yes all along fans thought it was just a title to a song only to realize that he is an actual person. He was AKA’s longtime friend, as he took to the podium, he narrated how he came to be Sim Dope, it was a nickname from AKA, it was beautiful such a tale of friendship. It gave more insight into how much AKA was just this amazing human being.

Indeed, in the grand scheme of things, he will not be remembered for his vast wealth, oh yes the man was actually very rich; one would need to write an entire article just listing his assets, businesses and interests. This is actually shocking news to many, but that is just how much he was very humble about his finances, considering he was a rapper and how that genre is synonymous with showing off. What people now talk about is how much he affected their lives via his music, from making people feel all kinds of emotions listening to his music to how he influenced pop culture.

People will talk about how he made an impact on African hip-hop and took it to the next level. People will talk about how much of a great father he was to his beloved daughter Kairo. His colleagues will talk about he helped their careers and made them take their craft to the next level.

To the shock of many, this many had charities as well, they were many families he was helping in different ways, and they will remember him. That is what is important in life, your connection with other people. That is how the Super Mega shall continue to live, as he said in one of his songs Long Live Super Mega Live Long. In addition, to the entire Megacy we show our undying support for the megastar with his post humus album Mass Country to be released on the 24th of February, it must break all his previous album record stats.

Rest in eternal peace, Mega!!!


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